Recordings of The Business Survival Summit and Masterclasses


Get all 16 hours of priceless video recordings of The Business Survival Summit and Masterclasses. Just fill out the form and place your order.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

-> How to create entrepreneurial freedom for yourself, even in a Post-Lockdown Recovery Economy
-> How to survive and/or pivot your enterprise NOW
-> Where to put your focus right NOW so you can thrive in business and life moving FORWARD
​-> What mindset you need for current COVID-19 pandemic times
​-> The key questions to ask yourself and your clients to get what you need for the world ahead
​-> How to manage your budget during turbulent times
​-> How to lay a solid foundation for the years ahead
​-> How to identify the real opportunities and chances for innovation in times like these
​-> How to START a new business the smart way, even during economic uncertainty
​-> ​What your​ action plan should be for the next 90 days
​-> ​What new critical skills and tools are needed as a business owner
​​-> How to lead and create meaningful value for the market

SKU: BF-011 Category: